Fencing gates
Horizontal 70/40 double-leaf gates
Double-leaf gates and wickets are manufactured in the same heights as Horizontal 70/40 segments, while their width is specified by the Customer according to individual needs. These products have been designed so as to stylistically match the appearance of the Horizontal 70/40 palisade fence as its natural complement. Gates are operated manually or automatically by means of electromechanical actuators and remote control.
Bramy wjazdowe dwuskrzydłowe i furtki wyróżniają się prostym i nowoczesnym wzornictwem oraz pieczołowitym i starannym wykonaniem, za które odpowiada nasz doświadczony personel produkcyjny. Nienaganna estetyka i nieprzeciętny poziom dopracowania wyrobów takich jak bramy wjazdowe marki METPOL to zasługa nie tylko działu ślusarsko-spawalniczego, ale także naszej zaawansowanej technologicznie malarni proszkowej, która pozwala na wydajne nakładanie powłok antykorozyjnych o wysokich walorach estetycznych. Bramy dwuskrzydłowe i furtki o nowoczesnym dizajnie, z wypełnieniem z poziomo ułożonych profili o dużych przekrojach, wspawanych w wytrzymałą ramę, cechują się solidnością i masywnością konstrukcji, z kolei wysokiej klasy osprzęt zawiasowo-zamkowy zapewnia komfortowe i bezawaryjne użytkowanie. Zastosowanie w standardzie technologii cynkowania i lakierowania proszkowego w celu nadania produktom takim jak bramy wjazdowe odporności na działanie czynników atmosferycznych to gwarancja dużej żywotności oraz eliminacja kosztów związanych z systematycznymi konserwacjami, jakie są koniecznością w przypadku tradycyjnie wykonanych bram ogrodzeniowych. Bramy wjazdowe dwuskrzydłowe naszej produkcji na życzenie Klienta wyposażane są w odpowiednio wyselekcjonowany napęd renomowanej marki, dzięki czemu ich eksploatacja staje się jeszcze bardziej wygodna, zwłaszcza gdy aura nie dopisuje i/lub bramy ogrodzeniowe otwierane są ze znaczną częstotliwością. Nowoczesna automatyka, jaką proponujemy, zawiera szereg przydatnych i innowacyjnych funkcji – bramy dwuskrzydłowe mogą samoczynnie zamykać się po określonym czasie, informować użytkownika o swoim statusie (zamknięte/otwarte) poprzez specjalną aplikację na telefonie (system Android, iOS), która umożliwia także sterowanie pracą bramy z dowolnego miejsca na świecie; wreszcie bramy wjazdowe dwuskrzydłowe mogą otworzyć się na moment przed naszym powrotem do domu, gdy korzystamy z glokalizacji w naszym telefonie. Bramy wjazdowe automatyczne marki METPOL to nie tylko innowacyjne technologie, ale także wysoki poziom bezpieczeństwa dla ludzi i ich mienia dzięki opcjonalnym elementom takim jak: fotokomórki wykrywające ruch bezpośrednio przed lub za wjazdem, lampa ostrzegawcza wskazująca na działanie napędu skrzydeł. Proponowane przez nas bramy dwuskrzydłowe i furtki przypadną do gustu wymagającym Klientom, którzy od tego typu wyrobów oczekują najwyższej jakości, pięknego wzornictwa, niezawodnego działania i znakomitej funkcjonalności.
Width range
2,0 – 5,0 m
Height range
1,09 -1,81 m
filling profile
70 mm
filling spacing
50 mm
Technical parameters
Height of gates and wickets | Clearance width of gates and wickets |
1,09 / 1,21 / 1,33 / 1,45 / 1,57 / 1,69 / 1,81 m | gates from 2.0 to 5.0 m, wickets from 1.0 to 1.5 m |
Structure of gates and wickets | Filling cross-section |
Closed 40×40 mm profile | Closed 70×20 mm profile |
Filling spacing | Cross-sections of gate and wicket posts |
Spacing of profiles – 50 mm | 80×80 / 100×100 / 120×120 mm |
Standard gate equipment | Standard wicket equipment |
Hinges, bottom bolt lock, hasps | Hinges, key-lock and handle |
Gate equipment options | Wicket equipment options |
reinforcement for automation system | electric strike with handle, intercom |
Gate operation | Wicket operation |
manual or automatic (actuators) | manual or mechanical self-closer |
- Gate in set with wicket – if the wicket is to be directly adjacent to the gate, we can make these elements as a single structure with a common post. It is recommended for the wicket’s leaf not to open onto the gate’s leaf, but in the opposite direction.
- Gate with wicket function – one of the leafs is equipped with a lock and handle, and this also makes it possible to use the gate for pedestrian traffic. Moreover, this could be useful in the situation where the driveway’s width is limited – a separate wicket is no longer indispensable in this case.
- Wicket with electrical strike – the factory-made electrical strike system increases the level of access control, enabling remote opening of the leaf using the intercom or an access card. Wickets equipped with an electrical strike have a modern, vertical handle.
- Gate and wicket widths are adjusted to Customers’ individual needs, within the dimensional ranges given in the technical specifications.
- Due to the specific configuration and dimensions of the filling as well as Customers’ requirements with regard to the aesthetic (facing of fillings in segments, gates, wickets), these products are manufactured solely with the standard heights given in the table of dimensions.
Color range
6 standard colors for no additional charge, any color from the RAL palette available upon request
RAL 6005 / GREEN
RAL 9005 / BLACK
Technical sheet
Check out other products from the Horizontal 70/40
The presented double-leaf gates and wickets are part of the Horizontal 70/40 palisade fencing system, which also includes sliding gates with a self-bearing structure, as well as selded segments, posts and fasteners – all of these components form a visually consistent and technically well-thought-out ecosystem of products. Segments and sliding gates are manufactured in several standard height options, and their widths can be strictly adjusted to the Customer’s individual needs./
Optimal adjustment to the Customer’s needs is achieved by manufacturing components to the desired dimension.
Option of built-in high-class automation with remote control.
No maintenance
Our products will not require maintenance for many years and will presence their excellent visual appearance.
Hot galvanization is the most effective and economical method of protecting steel against corrosion.
Individual elements of the fencing in its raw form (made of black steel) are delivered to a specialized plant – galvanizing shop. Before they are galvanized, they pass through a series of operations related to proper surface preparation: abrasive jet processing, degreasing, etching and fluxing through immersion in vats containing specific chemical substances. Next, products are sent to a liquid zinc bath with a temperature of 440-460 ° C where the diffusion process takes place – steel and zinc form a common alloy layer onto which a layer of pure zinc is deposited (during extraction of parts from the bath). This method of coating ensures thorough coverage of the product’s entire interior and exterior surface, including hard-to-reach places. The hot-dip zinc coating protects the steel against corrosion for many years. Assuming minimum mean thicknesses of obtained coatings within the range of 55-70 um (microns), we obtain anti-corrosion protection for a very long period of time, not requiring systematic maintenance, freeing the user from further, significant operational costs.
The combination of galvanized and powder-lacquered coatings – the DUPLEX system – ensures high resistance to corrosion.
Fences, gates and wickets – previously galvanized – are powder-painted using the electrostatic method using standard colors or any color from the RAL palette, according to the Customer’s individual needs. This process – with a rich palette of over 200 colors at our disposal – makes it possible to achieve the desired coloristic effect and aptly adapt the appearance of fencing to the environment and to the nature of the building being fenced off. Moreover, the combination of galvanization, surface preparation (in this case, Oxsilan®) and powder-lacquering technology – which professionals call the DUPLEX system – significantly increases the level of protection of steel products against corrosion, protecting the galvanized coating against natural oxidation of zinc as a result of weather factors. In turn, the application of high-quality powder paints at METPOL’s paint shop – meeting the requirements defined in the European QUALICOAT standard – as well as their very efficient and precise application by an automated unit of lacquering sprayers, translate to coatings with excellent functional and aesthetic properties.
The modern powder paint shop, with a properly designed surface preparation process, guarantees the highest quality.
Application of the lacquer coat takes place in METPOL’s modern, automated paint shop, where special emphasis is placed on the proper mechanical and chemical preparation of parts’ surfaces, which has a decisive impact on the durability and adhesion of the lacquer. For this purpose, METPOL introduced the innovative Oxsilan® technology – used at Mercedes Benz production plants, among others – in 2012. Oxsilan® technology not only ensures very high anti-corrosion resistance but also involves the use of chemicals friendly to the natural environment (consistently with the values METPOL holds dear). In the first stage, products pass through mechanical processing, then they are transported into the surface preparation tunnel for: degreasing washing, rinsing and silane application. Parts that have been cleaned and dried thoroughly reach the lacquering cabin, where automatic manipulators coat them with powder paint using the electrostatic method, with a min. thickness of 100 um. The final stage is holding products in a furnace at a temperature of 160 – 200 ° C (polymerization).